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文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2006-2-21



  Dalian Maritime University (DMU), the sole key university under the administration of the Ministry of Communications, is a renowned higher learning institution of navigation in the People’s Republic of China, and one of the few institutions of maritime education acknowledged by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to enjoy an international prestige.
  DMU has a rich history of development, which can trace back to the Shipping Affairs Department of Shanghai Industrial Institute (also named the South Sea Public School), set up by the ministry of the Post and Communications in the Qing Dynasty in 1909. In 1953, Dalian Marine college was established through the amalgamation of Shanghai Nautical College, Northeast Navigation College an Fujian Navigation College, thus emerging as the only higher learning institution of navigation of the time. In 1960, it was proclaimed a national key university. In 1983 the Asia-pacific Region Maritime Training Center was established by the UNDP and IMO, and in 1985, the Dalian Branch of the World Maritime University was opened here. In 1994 Dalian Marine College was renamed Dalian Maritime University, and Chinese President Jiang Zemin gave his approval of the new name of the institution. From 1997 onward, DMU began Project 211. In 1998, DMU passed the Quality System Accreditation of China’s National Harbor Superintendence and DNV. DMU is now a leader among the higher learning institutions of navigation worldwide as to the scale and stale and status of academic studies and research.
  DMU located in the southwest part of the coastal city of Dalian in Northeast China. DMU’s campus covers 0.9 square kilometers, the buildings cover approximately 0.44sq. km.. It is equipped with the a computing center, an audio-visual teaching center, a navigation training and research center, a library, a natatorium, a planetarium, a simulated navigation laboratory, a simulated marine engineering laboratory, over 40 laboratories for teaching and research purposes, and 2 vessels of 10,000 tonnage to facilitate teaching.
  DMU consists of 12 colleges and 4 departments. The colleges include Navigation, Marine Engineering, Transportation & Logistics, Information Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Law, Business, Humanity and Social Science, Environmental Science and Engineering, Automation and Electrical Engineering, International Cooperation and Adult Education. The departments include Foreign Language, Mathematics and Physics, Physical Education and Postgraduate Study. DMU now offers 25 specialties for undergraduates, 24 specialties for master degree candidates, and 9 specialty of national secondary priority for doctorate students, and a post-doctorate mobile research center. The total number of fully registered students now reaches almost 13,000. Science the amalgamation in 1953, DMU has trained over 40,000 highly competent personnel, the majority of whom have become the backbone of the navigation sector. In addition, DMU has trained more than 2,000 overseas students and personnel from over 30 countries and regions.
  DMU has a teaching staff of excellent quality, well distributed across a range of disciplines, with over 150 professors and a large team of promising young lectures. The academic research capacity of the staff is powerful and research projects center on marine transportation engineering, navigational information technology, marine intelligence programming, marine power system and energy-saving technology, marine mechanical maintenance engineering, communication information systems, marine environmental protection, and maritime law, thus forms a galaxy of celebrated experts, scholars with profound theories and research competence, and a large group of young researchers with progressive and innovation ideas.
  DMU attaches much importance to inter-institutional and international exchange and cooperation. Since China’s reform and opening up in late 1970s, It has officially established cooperative relations with over 20 world-famous navigational learning institutions in Japan, Korea, the United Kingdoms, Australia, Vietnam, Sweden, Russia, USA and Egypt, and has been cooperating closely in real terms with them in such fields as joint educational programs, exchange of visiting scholars and students, and joint academic research projects, and these areas of cooperative relationship with many international organization, such as IMO, IAMU, AMETRAP, IMLA, APEC, ISF, IACS and some internationally renowned companies.
  DMU’s great achievements and its prestige both at home and aboard have been spoken highly of by China’s state leaders. In 1993, on August 22nd and October 20th respectively, Chinese President Jiang Zemin and State Council Vice-Premier Li Lanqing visited DMU. President Jiang Zemin was delighted at DMU’s rapid progress and encouraged as following:
“Be Steadfast, Vigorous, Industrious and Pioneering; Build Dalian Maritime University into a world-renowned one!”

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