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文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2008-2-26

Anyone who regularly begins completes a project and begins another will recognize that each project has a life of its own. It begins as an idea, continues as a work in process and ends with a realization of what worked and what didn't work. It's important to use that third portion of the life of a project in planning the next project on your list. 
  一般来说,对于任何人而言,当他完成了一项工作并开始准备完成另一项的时候,都会意识到原来每件事都有其存在发展的“生命轨迹”。它总是以一个念头的萌生而开始,继而被作为一项工作加以执行贯彻,历经这一过程之后再以某种形式的实现而告终 ——或是有所成就或是一无所获。其实,学会运用一件事情的“生命轨迹”中的第三方面来帮助你计划好自己目标中的下一件事是很重要的。

  Take the time before beginning a brand new project to look at what has worked in the past in similar projects. Also serious decide what errors occurred in the past that either added to ordetracted from the success of the project. Yes, even errors can lead to successes in the future. 

  Organizing yourself before beginning a new project takes part on two levels, the mental and the physical. 

  It is probably best to organize your physical space before settling to mental gymnastics. 

  Your physical space should be organized for several reasons. First, if you have space set aside where you will spend your working time, whether it is a completely equipped home office or a cubbyhole in a closet, the space should be as well-equipped for the type of work you do as possible. That certainly would include writing materials, computer or typewriter, reference books or materials. You will need a comfortable chair to sit in, positioned correctly for writing or working at a computer keyboard. 

  If your project involves the use of other tools or equipment, those should be available and arranged to be accessible near your seating place. Even if you work at home, your home office space should be equipped as well as is possible so that when you go to your space, it is with the mental shift which will allow you to begin work promptly. 

  Once your space is organized, you are ready to begin the other significant preparation phase of your project, the mental preparation. You should think through and jot down key words or thoughts to help you remember actions later on as you expand your basic ideas. 

  Consider each part of the project carefully in order. Try to ask yourself questions about the need for this organized step. Look at the order of the steps mentioned and play with them mentally. Try putting the steps in a different order and see how that might play. 

  As you mentally walk through the project you are planning, keep track of key points you will need to know in order to accomplish your task. Are there tools which will be needed that you don't have yet? Is there information which will need to be researched before completing the planned project? 

  By the time you go through each step of your project mentally, noting additional research materials, tools and people which will be needed to complete the project, you should have a fairly complete project outline. Your next task is to begin the process of putting a time line with the various project components. You may want to jot down when you plan to begin, whether you have outside deadlines which must be maintained, and how much flexibility is available for the person in the barber shop. 

  With all this pre-planning you should have at least a rough outline of the phases of the project, what additional work will be required, any further research which you will need to complete the task and about how long it will require to finish the entire project. 

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